Nickolas spent the night with me on Tuesday night. When he woke up the first thing he wanted to do was color. Then while he was eating breakfast, Nana put together his train that she got him. When he saw it he said, "Oh wow!!" It was so cute. He knew right away what to do and he literally played with nothing else the rest of the day. After about an hour and a half of playing with the train, I took him outside to play in the water. After lots of sunscreen, a swimmer, and bringing lots of toys outside..20 min later he said, "Go inside, Tonya. Play with train" So we packed it all up and went inside. I was giving him a bath (to wash all the sunscreen off) and he kept saying, "Be all done." I said, "Why?" He said, "Play with train all the time!" So after a quick bath, he was back to playing with his train.

After his bath I told him it was time to go take a nap. He did not like that idea. I told him he could take his train with him to bed and that did it! He said, "
Ok!" He got every single train and put it in his pack n play (his bed). He ended up in my bed with a few of the trains.

After his nap it was lunch time. While I was making his sandwich he played with his train again. When I told him it was time to eat, he wanted to stay and play. So, I had to tell him he could bring his train with him. That was the key to getting him to the table.

After lunch it was back to playing with his train!! Seriously, he played with it
alllll day

We didn't get off the hook that easy. He wanted us to play with him. I would play a little bit then sit on the couch. When he noticed I was not playing anymore he would grab my hand and say, "Get down and play, Tonya" and shake his head yes. It was too cute.
Every time somebody new came in (Tiffany, Bobby, Jason, Ruthie) he had to go show them his train. He would take their hand and lead them in the room where it was set up and when he saw it again he would say, "Wow! Look!" It was too cute. Tiffany had packed everything up and was getting ready to leave when Ruthie came in. Nickolas had to unpack his train to show her. He loves this thing!! Our plan was to keep the train at Nana's because it is for ages 3 and up and we didn't want Alyssa getting hurt on the pieces. Tiffany said we were crazy if we thought they were getting out of the house with out the train. She was right. There is no way he would have left without his train.

He played with it the rest of the night and when Tiffany told him it was time to go night night this is what he did....

He said, "No night night time mommy. Play train mommy. Not go to bed mommy." So Tiffany let him take some of his trains to bed and he wouldn't go to sleep unless the rest of his train was beside him. So Tiffany packed it all up in a bag and
layed it beside his bed. He was
ok with that.

Tiffany said this morning when he woke up he saw his train and said, "Oh wow! Look Mommy! Train!"
Haha This is by far Nickolas' favorite toy. Tiffany said he has never liked a toy this much! Good purchase, Nana!!!
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