The kids went trick or treating for the first time tonight. Tiffany said they had fun. She said Alyssa was a little shy and everybody said how cute they were. I talked to Nickolas and asked if he had fun and he said, "If you come here in your costume, they will give you candy." Then I asked him what kind of candy he got and he said, "All of it!" So cute.
Nickolas is going to be a doctor for Halloween and Alyssa is going to be Tinkerbell! They loved their costumes. Nickolas says he is going to be a doctor when he grows up. So cute!
He did really good with his port today. He helped the nurse and told her what to do. He told her to clean it then he had to take a deep breath then she could access him. Then she told him he could go back to the room and he told her he has to get a sticker first. She laughed and said oh yeah! The Dr. came in and kept saying how cute they were. Nickel did everything she told him to do and they were loving it. There were 3 of them in here. Then nickel had to read his book to the Dr. They loved it. It was the cutest thing ever. It's the book he got in the hospital about the girl with the port. Tiffany has been reading it to him at night.
Tiffany said Nickolas was so excited to see the UT players. They were able to watch them exercise, then after that they had to go. Before they left Nickolas had his picture made with an ex UT Football Player, Andre Lott. They gave him a football. I talked to Nickolas on the phone after this and he was so excited. I asked about his football. I asked if he would let Alyssa play with it. He said, "Well it is my football and we played with it for a few minutes, but now it's in the back of the car and I can't reach it." Haha.
Tiffany, Wes and the kids came back tonight for a quick visit. Nickolas had his appointment earlier at Vanderbilt, then they headed this way. Tomorrow morning they are going to go to UT to watch the football team practice. Nickolas is really excited. I was so glad to see them tonight, even if it was only for a short while. They were wound up when they first got here, then they quickly started breaking down. It was getting late. I was able to grab a few good pictures.
Nickolas had his first appointment at Vanderbilt today. Tiffany said he did great! She told him that if he was brave she would buy him a new toy. Funny how that works, he didn't even cry when they accessed his port or when they took the needle out. He was so excited to go and get his new toy! Tiffany likes his new doctor and so does Nickolas. His counts are higher than last time, so he is still ...okay to go in public with a mask. For the next 8 weeks he will only have to go to the hospital for treatment every 10 days. This is much better than having to go every week. The nurses were really surprised at how much hair Nickolas still has. They also said that they both were very cute! I knew I would like his new nurses.
Well, there they go! Nickolas was so excited to finally pack all his toys up! Nickolas asked me if I would be moving to his new house with him. I told him no and that I would come and visit. He said, "Well, If it's dark, I will turn the light on when you come over so you can see." Sounds like he has it all figured out! I am so sad they are leaving, but I do look forward to visiting often. They were so excited to see the big truck. They loved helping put stuff in it.