Nickolas has had a low fever since Wednesday. Thursday and Friday night Tiffany had to take him to Children's to get checked out. Each time they told her his counts are still good. Something new they mentioned was to watch his color to see if his skin looked yellow at all. They checked his liver enzymes Thursday night and they were a little high. The next morning she called the doctor and he thin...ks the meds along with his fever are causing his enzymes to be high. Friday night they just checked him again and sent them home with instructions to call back if he still has a fever. This afternoon she called them about his temp and they told her to treat it with Tylenol. So, as you can tell, we have had a hectic couple of days around here. He is eating less and playing more. Friday night he did really well in the ER. Tiffany said he hardly cried and was not as upset as usual. Today he said, "When I go at the hospital and they access my port they put a band-aid on it. Then when I'm really dirty mommy gives me a bath and the band-aid falls off all by itself!" Nickolas hates getting tape or band-aids taken off. So he was pretty excited to tell me that it fell off by itself.
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