I love matching outfits!!! Here is Nickolas and Alyssa posing for Aunt Tonya!!!
Bobby snapped a few pictures with his camera. His pictures always turn out so good!
We attempted yet again to get all of their picture together at one time. Nana bought the girls these cute cute dresses for the 4th of July so we just had to get their picture!! Hannah does not like to be told what to do. She was fine if she was walking up and down the stairs, but as soon as we tried to make her sit down beside Nickolas and Alyssa she would instantly cry. It was so funny. Not to Danielle, probably. But, to us it was funny.
We lost Hannah, so the last two standing were Nickolas and Alyssa.....THEN....
...we lost Nickolas. Alyssa made it all the way to the end!! She is usually the last one to survive a 3-kid photo shoot.
When we came in, Hannah was not a happy girl!! She stood by the door and cried to go back out. So, I gave in and took her back out for a few minutes. I am so weak!! Haha, I'm in trouble.
Jean brought over a few dresses and we tried them on Alyssa and they fit perfectly! They were so cute. Every time I took a picture of Alyssa, Nickolas wanted his picture, too. It's so funny.
Great Great Uncle Curt and Great Great Aunt Jean!!! Nickolas came to me in the kitchen before they got here and said, "Jean coming?" I told him that Jean and Curt were coming over and he got so excited!!! He loves Curt..I'm sure it has nothing to do with Curt pushing him in the swing for long periods of time. Jean said that Curt loves kids and when they were young before they had their own kids, the kids on the block would come to the door and ask if Curt would come out and play with them. True story!!
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