Today is Alyssa's 1st birthday!! I can't believe it is finally here!! We will be having her party this weekend and we are so excited!! Alyssa is practically running all over the place these days. She keeps Tiffany very busy! She weighs about 25lbs now. She is still not sleeping through the night. If she does wake up, all she wants is to either be held of just an ounce or two of milk then she is back to sleep. Hopefully it won't be too much longer before she is sleeping all night. Over the past month she has learned to play Peek A Boo with her blanket and she loves it!! She gets so excited when you put a blanket over her to play this game. She loves to be held right when she wakes up. If you try to put her down or do something else, she cries a lot. So the best thing to do is just hold her for a few minutes until she is ready to get down and play. It is so cute. She follows Nickolas around and is not afraid of anything. She crawls under his bed (something he still will not do). She is into everything!! If it is within her reach, you better believe she is reaching for it! Cell phones, remotes, the garbage can (ahem, yeah.)...anything!! Tiffany says she will pull clothes out of the dryer while she is trying to fold them. It drives her crazy! I can see why. She has never been a big baby food eater, even still. She wants what you are having, no questions asked!! She really likes Cheerios! Sometimes Tiffany will put a cheerio on top of her baby food just so she will eat it. Hey, whatever works!! We took her today to get her pictures made at Portrait Innovations. She was a little shy at first, but she did really well in the end! I will be posting those pictures soon. I can't wait to see what the next year holds for this sweet little girl!!

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